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Album/Collection: Candy From A Stranger
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Almost gave up yesterday, almost made it to the top 
Short of dying just the other day, fell short of picking up a mop 
If it's the thought that counts, you can always count on me 
I think about it all the time 
It's going to hit me like a bolt of white lightning 
Here it comes, my peace of mind 
Cause I'm close, so close, so close 
I'm close, so close, so close 
Falling short of proving it, just a hair from the truth 
Little shy of improving it, here I come, I'm coming through 
Pretty soon I'm going to shed this skin I'm wearing 
I've been keeping it inside 
No one cares just how you got there 
No one cares how hard you've tried 
But you're close, so close, so close 
You're close, so close, so close 
Well I've known you forever, we complete each other's thoughts 
Ain't like we never got in trouble, it's just we've never gotten caught 
And if you've got a secret, it's in me you can confide 
And if we ever get split up, I'll always be on your side 
Cause we're close, so close, so close 
We're close, so close, so close 

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