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Can't Even Tell Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I may never get what I want 
But I'm happy just to die trying 
And I hope I ain't done nobody wrong 
But I miss you smiling 
And I'm looking for a cure cause I'm bored to tears 
And I'm stuck in here, stuck out here, stuck in here 
We lived through another day 
It's a good excuse to celebrate 
Take a number knock on wood 
We'll find a reason to feel good 
I know, you know, I wanna know how I feel 
I can't even tell, I can't even tell, I can't even tell 
No one knows nothing about me 
I'm guessing I'll just keep 'em guessing 
No one sees what I see 
This is my blessing 
And I'm looking for a way to get out of here 
Get me out of here, out of here, out of here 
We lived through another day 
It's a good excuse to celebrate 
Take a number knock on wood 
Find a reason to feel good 
I know, you know, you wanna know how I feel 
I can't even tell, I can't even tell, I can't even tell 
I'm out of here, out of here, out of here 
I know, you know, I want to know how I feel 
I can't tell, I know, you know, I'll tell you if it's real 
It sounded like a bell, I can't even tell 
I can't even tell 

Can't Even Tell Lyrics

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