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Peorgie's Song Lyrics

Album/Collection: Dont Crush That Dwarf
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Android Sisters:)
   Porgy Tirebiter!
   He's a spy and a girl delighter,
   Orgie Firefighter!
   He's just a student like you.

   If you're looking for a Captain of the Ringball Team,
   You can bet he won't be there.
   You'll find him pa-popping off at Pop's Sodium Shoppe,
   Tr-trailing a red, with red hair.
   Doobie doo-wah...
   Porgy Tirebiter!
   Just a student like you!
      (PORGY:) "Like me?!"
   Just a student like you!
      (Father:) "Stop singing and finish your homework !"
   Just a student like you! ooooooooooo..."

Peorgie's Song Lyrics

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