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Little Darling Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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                             LITTLE DARLING
                             DIAMONDS - 1958

Ya ya ya ya, ya ya ya ya, ya ya ya ya
Little darling oh little darling
oh where are you?
My lover I was wronger (la la la la)
to try to love two
Ahh uha uha uha uha
Knowing well that my lover (la la la la)
was just for you uh uh only you

My darling I need you (la la la la)
to call my own
and never do wrong
to hold in mine
your little hand (la la la la)
I'll know too soon
that I'll so pray
please hold my hand

My dear I was wronger 
To try to love two
Ahh uha uha uha uha
knowing well that my lover (la la la la)
was just for you
uh only you


  Fermin Torres Villegas                     
  Union de Universidades de America Latina   
  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico    
  E-mail:  [email protected]         
  Tel. (52-5) 622-05-62                      

Little Darling Lyrics

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