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Mulumbo Guitar Tablature
by Soulfly
From the album "Primitive"
tabbed by:gothichild_666

Tune down to B (B E A D F# B)


	/ or    - slide up or down
	p        - pull off
  	h	 - hammer on
	b	 - bend
	A	 - artifical harmonics
	r	 - ring out


                         _INTRO/POST VERSE/PRE VERSE_

|-b-|-------------------------------| x4

|-b-|-------------------------------| x4


With some sort of wicked effect

|-b-|-------------------------------| x8
|-F#|-------------------------------|  * Don't play the first fret on
|-D-|-------------------------------|    the 4th and 8th go.

                        _INTRO/POST VERSE/PRE VERSE__


                        _POST VERSE 2_

|-b-|--------------| x4 |-b-|--------------| x4
|-F#|--------------|    |-F#|--------------|
|-D-|--------3b----|    |-D-|--------3b----|
|-A-|--------------|    |-A-|--------------|
|-E-|--------------|    |-E-|--2-2---------|
|-B-|--0-0---------|    |-B-|--0-0---------|

                        _MULUMBO BIT_

Just bend the last note while it rings out.

                        _INTRO/POST VERSE_


                        _POST VERSE 2_

                        _MULUMBO BIT_

Just bend the last note while it rings out.


|-b-|---------------------------------| x2
|-F#|---------------------------------| *Don't play these 2 notes on 2nd
|-D-|---------------------------------|  go.
                                   * *

|-b-|---------------------------------| x12

|-b-|-----------------------------------------------| x2

|-b-|-----------------------------------------------| x2
|-F#|-----------------------------------------------|  * Bend on second go.
|-D-|-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-19-19-19-19-16--|  # Don't play on 
second go.
                                               * #
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