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Drunk On Her Taste Guitar Tablature
Band: Elixir
Album: Elixir
Song: "Drunk on Her Taste"
Tabbed by: Sean Henry ([email protected]) 

Version 1.0 - Tabbed all the guitar. Corrections welcome.  26/04/04 

Pretty simple song, nice little waltz-y feel. Doesn’t it make you 
want to go run barefoot through medieval marketplaces? Hehe, well, I was going to go to sleep after I tabbed Tip of Memory, but I thought, “One more.” So here’s Drunk on Her Taste. Enjoy.

Tuning: E,A,D,G,B,e

(0:00) (0:55) (2:54) (3:40)

***(On the last time this is played, play the last two chords as picked triads. EG: D# A# D#, A, E, A)

Main Riff / Verse
(0:18) (1:04) (2:17) (3:03)


(0:36) (1:23) (2:36) (3:22)



***(Those are “10”s, not “1”s + “0”s)





-Main Riff / Verse
-Main Riff / Verse
-Main Riff / Verse (Saxophone solo)
-Chorus (Saxophone solo continued)
-Main Riff / Verse

[email protected]                 F E A R   N O   A R T
Next guitar tablature in Elixir