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Copyright 1998 NUCLEAR BLAST
Version 1.0 - November 1998
Transcription Done By: Kerry Vick
For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version;
please contact Kerry at [email protected]
To Join The Official Displacer's Death Tab Mailing List Contact Rich at
[email protected]
. - palm mute / - slide up to
- slide down to ~ - vibrato
" - tremelo picking ( ) - ghost note
b - bend h - hammer-on
fb - full bend (1 step) p - pull-off
hb - half bend (1/2 step) r - release a bend
t - tapping ah - artificial harmonic
Tuning = D (D,G,C,F,A,D)
Riff A
|-------4-5-4~--------4-5-----5-------7----|GTRS I
|-7--77---------6--77---------5------------| & II
.. .. ..
|-4------------------|GTR I (* 2nd time use a.h.'s *)
| |
|-4--2-1h2p1---4-1---|GTR II
Riff A--fill
|---------------------------------------------|GTR III
|-----------------------|GTR III
Play Riff A three times
Riff B
|-------4-----4~~----------------4~-|GTR I
| |
|-9---------------------------------|GTR II
|-------------5~-----57-----7~--|GTR I
| |
|-9------------------------------|GTR II
|---4-4~-----4~-----5~-57-7~-|GTR I
|-GTR II ???
Play Riff B three times
Riff C.1
|-------------------------------------|GTRS I
|-------------------------------------| & II
....... .. ........
Riff C.2
|---------------5-7--4-|GTRS I
|---------------5-7--4-| & II
Riff C.3
|---------------5-4----|GTRS I
|---------------5-4--5-| & II
Riff C.4
|---------------5-4------|GTRS I
|---------------5-4------| & II
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.2 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.3 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.2 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.4 one time
Riff D
|----------------7-|------------------|GTR I
| |
| |
|--------5-4~----7-|--------5-4~------|GTR II
Play Riff D two times
Play Riff A three times
Riff E -- Solo 1
|---------5---------2--5-5-|GTRS I
|------2--5-5-------2--5-3-| & II
Play Riff E four times
Play Riff B three times
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.2 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.3 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.2 one time
Play Riff C.1 one time
Play Riff C.4 one time
Play Riff D two times
Play Riff A three times
Riff F.1 -- Finger Tapping
|-----------------------------------------|GTRS I
|-----------------------------------------| & II
|-----------------------------------------|GTRS I
|-----------------------------------------| & II
|-----------------------------|GTRS I
|-----------------------------| & II
Riff F.2
|-------------------------------------------------|GTR II
|-------------------------------------------------|GTR II
|-------------------------------------|GTR II
Play Riff F.1 one time
Play Riff F.1/F.2 three times
Riff G -- with studio effects
|-9----8----7----10-----12-----10----|GTRS I
|-9-9--8-8--7-7--10-10--12-12--10-10-| & II
Play Riff G two times