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Volume Guitar Tablature
Crackout - Volume

Tabbed by Tom Stead

Listened to this song a fair few times and I feel quite sure this is how it's played. Only got verse and chorus so far, not so sure on the interlude, sorry. Tell me what you think:
[email protected]

Chords used:

D 10 12 12 0 0 0
C  8 10 10 0 0 0
B  7  9  9 0 0 0
Bb 6  8  8 0 0 0
A  5  7  7 0 0 0
G  3  5  5 0 0 0
F# 2  4  4 0 0 0
F  1  3  3 0 0 0


D,C,B,Bb - you figure out how many times it does it

Pre - Chorus

No real playing, but just before chorus do this

G-XXXXXXX   Just kinda mute all strings



Rest you'll have to figure out, let me know if you do
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