Home > Rock & Pop > Cold >
Just Got Wicked Guitar Tablature
Artist: Cold
Song:   Just Got Wicked
Album:  13 Ways To Bleed On Stage

Instrument:  Guitar
Tuning:      C,G,C,F,A,D 
Tabed By:    Chris Hansson
Email:       [email protected]

intro / riff 1 w/ chorus pedal on the tapping
[tapping        .....................................]


riff 2 (play first part 5 times and second part 3 times)

riff 3

riff 4


intro   - 4x
(pause) - 23 seconds
chorus  - 5x
riff 1  - 4x
(pause) - 23 seconds
riff 2  - 1x
riff 3  - 3x
chorus  - 5x
riff 4  - 8x
chorus  - 8x
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