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Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
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welcome to their punk scene
and it's mohawk over mind
your clothes and your connections
are how you're rated and defined
where status becomes a liscense to 
behave like a clique
your punk rawk fraternaties
can all just suck my (dick/clit)

riding their bikes (all over town)
throwing their bricks (to keep us down)
forming their cliques (to shut us out)
they wonder why (we screem and shout)

majority may overrule 
but that doesn't make it right
say what you want to me
i won't give up the fight
you claim that i'm jealous
at least i have the balls to mock
some rebellious looking clones
and the west philly kings of punk rawk


(pretty self-explanitory.... for the millionth time, this is not about one person in particular....)


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