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Narcadicts - Open the Gates Guitar Tablature
Artist: Narcadicts
Album:  Never Again
Track: 1
Guitarist: Pat Metsch
Tabbed By: Greg Summy

E   0  2  3             0232023202320232023  	INTRO
B              3  2  3                      3  2  000

E  					3X FOR VERSE
G  555   666   888   666   5      6      8      66
D  444   555   777   555   4      5      7      55
A  222   333   555   333   2      3      5      33
E  000   000   000   000   0      0      0      00

E  				    4X FOR CHORUS
G  5/      8      6
D  4/      7      5
A  2/      5      3
E  0/      0      0

Let the open E string ring throughout the entire song.

It sounds good when played with no clean tone and the gain maxed out.  The intro is tricky to get fast right away, but keep playing to get it up to speed.
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