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Under the Bridge Guitar Tablature
#-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --#

Author/Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Title: Under The Bridge
Album: Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Transcribed by: Jeremy Konar
Email: [email protected]

Ok, heres how the song works. The first guitar, which plays only the intro, 
has a capo on the second fret. Chord positions are shown above. When guitar 
two comes in, give it a tiny bit of a disortion, and no capo. Guitar three 
has normal distortion. The intro, verse 1, and the outro are are played 
slowly, and verses 2 and 3 are more up to speed. During the verses, keep a 
good beat for yourself, Frusciante adds mutes between many of the chords. 
Have fun!!


h- hammer on (ex 5h7)
p pulloff (ex 5p3)
/ slide up (ex 7/9)
- slide down (ex 7/3)
X- muted note
^- slowly roll the notes from bottom to top (ex -^2-

C			    E				  C
Guitar 1 (relative to capo on second fret) INTRO
E			    C				     E

C					E

VERSE 1: gtr 2, no capo, slight dist


Faster (Verses 2 and 3)



Chorus  (play twice)

Bridge  This is played while Anthony is doing his "ooh's", and then when the 
choir enters and everything.

  Play this right before the choir enters with "under the bridge downtown" 
(chords only)

  Gtr. 3, distortion, plays when the choir enters

OUTRO, guitar 2 (note: this is a much simplified version. There are lots of 
extra notes in there that I couldn't figure out, but the main chords are 

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